HOA Documents
Changes to HOA Governing Documents (3/1/2015)​
Marked-up Amendment (shows changes)
HOA Dues and Finances
Home Improvement Guidelines and Forms
Revised Architectural Control Committee Policies & Standards (2013)
Architectural Change Committee Policies & Standards: Guidelines for exterior home repair/improvements
​Architectural Application Form: Submit your application online or download the PDF
Resolution 97.1: Rules governing the installation and use of satellite dishes
Lakewood Hills #1 uses Benjamin Moore's Williamsburg color collection​​
Rules, Regulations, and Fees​
By Laws: Rules and regulations for the operation of Lakewood Hills #1
​Parking Regulations: An explanation of the rules for using visitor and homeowner parking spaces
RV Lot Application and Procedures: Submit your application online or download the PDF
Collection of Assessments: Description of the policy for collecting delinquent quarterly assessments
Legal Description of Lakewood Hills #1
Covenants: Legal description of the development of Lakewood Hills #1
Amendment to Covenants: Amendment to the legal description of Lakewood Hills #1​
Articles of Incorporation: A legal description of the intent and practices of Lakewood Hills #1